The biomagnetic pair

Pairs: Reservoirs

The symbol indicates a pair recently added.

  Pair Name
1 Adrenal zone - Kidney (cs) Universal reservoir
2 Appendix - Bladder Bacterophages reservoir
3 Burs - Elbow (ss) Streptococcus Beta H. reservoir
4 Cheek - Cheek Reservoir of virus
5 Deltoid - Deltoid Trypanosoma Brucei B. reservoir
6 Esophagus - Duodenum Microbacterium Leprosye reservoir
7 Femur head/neck - Femur head/neck Fungi reservoir
8 Fibula head - Fibula head Tuberculosis reservoir
9 Gallbladder - Gallbladder Reservoir of virus - "Prada"
10 Gluteus (L) - Achilles (L) Universal reservoir
11 iliocecal valve - Occipital prominence Universal reservoir
12 Index - Index E. Coli reservoir
13 Inguinal (R) - Iliac Spine upper-front (R) Universal reservoir
14 Interiliac - Kidney Congress reservoir of parasites
15 Interiliac, Sacrum - 4 & 5 lumbar Congress reservoir of parasites
16 Kidney (L) - Renal capsule HIV reservoir - "Alex"
17 Lip (sup) - Lip (sup) PVH virus reservoir
18 Liver - Occipital prominence Universal reservoir
19 Mastoid - Ray Bulb Fungi reservoir
20 Nipple (R) - Gastrocnemius (L) Universal reservoir
21 Nutricia - Nutricia Reservoir of bacterias
22 Pancreatic belt Biochemical reservoir - "Sofía" Pancreatitis
23 Peritoneum - Appendix Reservoir of Gardenella
24 Pelvic base - Pelvic base Universal reservoir
25 Peritoneum - Pleura Reservoir of bacterias - "Moises"
26 Scarpa triangle - Scarpa triangle Microbacterium Leprae reservoir
27 Sole - Sole Proteus mirabillis | Guillén Barré
28 Spleen - Lung Reservoir of bacteria - "Ruben"
29 Stomach - Duodenum Reservoir of Virus (herpes,Aphthous...)
30 Stump - Stump Universal reservoir - "Guadalupe"
31 Subdiaphragm - Subdiaphragm Reservoir of Cysticercus and other parasites
32 Teeth - Kidney Universal reservoir
33 Thoracic 2 - Thoracic 2 Universal reservoir
34 Throat hollow - Gluteus (L) Universal reservoir
35 Uretra - Uretra Reservoir of virus - "Fox"
36 Uretra - Urether Mycoplasma - Cándida A.
37 Vaccine - Supraspinatus Tuberculosis reservoir
38 Vagina - Vagina Coronavirus reservoir - "Yolanda"
39 Vagus nerve - Kidney (cs) Universal reservoir - "Benavides"


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