
Type: Multiple causes


foreskin - foreskin



It consists of inflammation of the tip of the penis, or glans accompanied by irritation, pain in the glans and foreskin, even foul-smelling discharge. It can be due to bacterial, viral or fungal infections, in most cases. The aspects that facilitate it are:

  • Bad hygiene, using very aggressive soaps
  • Not having circumcision
  • Diabetes
  • Compromised immune system
  • Other diseases such as reactive arthritis or lichen scleroatrophicus
  • Infection can occur through unprotected sex

The magnet on its negative pole can help reduce inflammation; anti-inflammatory, antibacterial or antifungal ointments can also be applied, as appropriate. Finding the causative pathogen(s) guarantees successful treatment.
If not treated promptly, it can lead to complications such as narrowing of the orifice of the penis, making it difficult to retract the foreskin to expose the tip of the penis during erection (phimosis), and penile cancer.

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