coronary - perineum
coronary - soles
Energy activation . New pair of energetic type discovered by Arq. Ricardo Fuduric.
The pair crown (pineal) - perineum increases the body's energy level. When applied in the consultant it can help to obtain a better intelligent muscular response. Magnets can be placed while the person is seated, for example at the beginning of the consultation, while the initial interview is taking place. Also the therapist can apply on himself, either at home or at the beginning of the consultation, to activate his energy level. Especially recommended if the person is tired. It is not recommended to apply at night as it can cause insomnia.
A variant is to place two magnets in positive on the soles of the consultant's feet. This variant can be applied in convalescent or hospitalized people. It can be applied for longer periods with more intense magnets (5000 to 10000 Gauss) with which it is sought to achieve a better recovery of the patient.
The pair is presumed to connect the root and crown chakras (bioenergetic centers) stimulating the main energy channels. Its effectiveness can also be understood based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.