1. Cervicals (cervic)
7 Cervical vertebrae. They can also be tested individually.
Pairs (+):
- Cervicals: Insomnia
- Uterus: Vaginal infection
- Lumbar: Relaxation
- Sacrum: Parasympathetic dysfunction
3 - 8. Brachial plexus
Pair (+):
- Plexus braquial: Streptococcus A
- Elbow same side: Mycobactrium Leprae
- Braquial plexus: Energy unblocking
9. Thoracics (12)
Test each of the Dorsal vertebrae.
Pairs (+):
11. Lung
Pairs (+):
- Lung: Guilt
- Coronary: Streptococcus A
- Ray bulb: Kado, Sadness
- Heart: Kado, Sadness
19. Adrenals
Pairs (+):
- Liver: Pride
- Lung: Pseudomona Aeroginosa
- Adrenal: Adrenal dysfunction
- Rectum: Leptospira
- Ray bulb: Adenovirus
- All the front: Allergic asthma
21. Pleura
Pairs (+):
- Pleura: Viral peluritis
- Pleura (ss): Aeruginosa
- Peritoneum: Reservoir, Moses
- Liver: Hepatitis B
- Appendix: Staphylococcus aureus
- Lung left: Smoking
- Scapula right: Smoking
23. Renal capsule
Pairs (+):
- Renal capsule: Proteus Mirabillis
- Bladder: Toxins in the kidney
26. Lumbars
5 Lumbar vertebrae: test each one.
Pairs (+):
27. Portal vein
Right side, it can also be tested and treat from the front.
Pairs (+):
- Portal vein: Klebsiella Pneumniae
- Liver: Papilloma V.
- Rectum: Papilloma V.
28 y 33. Kidney
bilateral (test both)
Pairs (+):
- Kidney: Tetanus
- Renal capsule (ss):Alex
- Eye (L): Phobias
- Thyroid: Fear of accidents
- Cheekbone counterside: Paludism, Plasmodium vivax
- Sacrum counterside: Olazo
- Kidney Inf.: Immunocompetence
- Duodenum: Diabetes Mellitus
- Temporal (parietal, Ear) counterside:Goiz
- Ureter (ss): Machín or Herpes (4)
- Pacreatic duct Spirochaete
- Deltoid: Leishmania
- Gallbladder duct : Spirochaete
- Renal capsule (ss): HIV 1 Aids
- Eye (L): True Asthma
- Ureter: Colic
- Liver: Poisoning by toxins or drugs.
- Kidney (-): Lower fever
34. Ureter
bilateral, it can also be tested and impacted in front.
Pairs (+):
- Ureter: Chickenpox
- Kidney (ss): Kidney stones
36. Iliac crest
Pairs (+):
- Iliac crest: Trypanosoma Gambie
- Ischial branch: Streptococcus C
- Upperfront iliac crest: Obesity
38. Lumbosacral plexus
Pairs (+):
- Lumbosacral plexus: Enterococcus Fecalis
- Lumbosacral plexus: Pseudomona Aureoginosa
40. Sacrum
Central- bilateral
Pairs (+):
- Cervical: Nervous system dysfunction
- Bladder: Streptococcus G
- Sacrum: Proteus Mirabilis
- Coccyx: Hemorrhoids and varicose veins
- Uterus: Endometriosis
- Cervical plexus: Uric acid, gout
- Ciático: Leg cramps
43. Gluteus (mayor)
Pairs (+):
- Gluteus (Mayor): Parasites
- Pylorus: Veillonella
- Femoral vein: Babesia
- Achilles: Universal reservoir
44. Upper Gluteus
Bilateral, also responds as buttock
Pairs (+):
- Buttock (d): Staquibotrix
- Buttock (L): Undefined virus
46. Anus
Pairs (+):
- Anus: Papilloma
- Tongue: Chlostridium difícile
- Tongue: Diabetes
- Tongue: Digestive disorders
- Prostate: Papilloma
- Pylorus: Fungus (yeast)
- Testicle (L): Hemorrhoids
47. Prostate
Central, it is also tested in women.
Pairs (+):
- Prostate: Prostate dysfunction
- Rectum: Papilloma virus
52. Greater trochanter
Pairs (+):
- Greater trochanter: Mycoses Rhinosporidium
- Greater trochanter: Salmonela Typhus
- Fascia lata tensor: Blastomices dermatiditis
- Kidney: Bacillus paratyphi
d2. Thoracic 2
Pairs (+):
- Thoracic 2: Legionela
- Thoracic 2: Lower white blood cells
- Thoracic 2: Cough, lung abscesses
d4. Thoracic 4
Pairs (+):
- Thoracic 4: Aphthous
- Thoracic 4: Lower white blood cells
- 1a Lumbar: Neiseria
- 1a Lumbar: Spina bifida
- 1a Lumbar: Meningococcus
- 3a Lumbar: Neiseria
- 3a Lumbar: Spina bifida
- 3a Lumbar: Meningococcus
d5. Thoracic 5
Pairs (+):
- 2da Lumbar:Neiseria
- 2da Lumbar: Spina bifida
- 2da Lumbar: Meningococcus
- 5ta Thoracic: Escherichia Coli
d7. Thoracic 7
Pairs (+):
- Thoracic 7: Vibrio Parahemoliticus
- Thoracic 7: Cholera
- Thoracic 7: Leukemia
- Thoracic 7:Acidity and oxidation
L2. Lumbar 2
Pairs (+):
- Lumbar 2: Clostridium dificile
- Lumbar 2: Diabetes
- Lumbar 2:Digestive disorders
L4. Lumbar 4
Pairs (+):
- Lumbar 4: Gonorrea
- Lumbar 4: Lumbar calcification
- Sacrum: Proteus mirabilis